This Saturday will see the next social function at the club rooms. The feature of the night will be the Calcutta auction. The Golden Duck Race will also be on from 7pm with a visit from Santa about 7:30pm The Calcutta will work like this – people/groups will be able to bid on and buy pre-set groups of Mt Clear players. These players will then earn the buyer money based on B&F votes won through the home and away season. The groups are –
Group 1
Nathan Yates
Cameron Snowden
Lucas Rais-Colvin
Craig Holloway
Group 2
Matt Goonan
John Frdelja
Dave Roberts
Tim McLeod
Group 3
First XI Wildcard*
Andrew Vandebyl
Ned Talbot
Shaun Jeffrey
Group 4
Daniel Hopkinson
John Carton
Matthew Drain
John Barnes
Group 5
Second XI Wildcard*
Bryce Humphrey
David Peverill
Shaun Coffey
Group 6
Fourth XI Wildcard*
Steven Nicholson
Aaron Burfurd
Matthew Clark
Group 7
Third XI Wildcard*
Ash George
John Woodhead
Dan Tebble
*The Wildcards represent the vote gathered in that grade excluding the named players.
The night will also feature the ‘Golden Duck Race’. Ducks are available from Steven Nicholson with prizes awarded to the top three place getters.