Past and Present Members Day

The annual Past and Present Members day was held on 27th October with Matthew Drain as guest speaker. Matthew has previously been high performance manager for Cricket Australia and Western Bulldogs, football operations manager at St Kilda and football manager at Essendon. Matthew is also one of a handful of players to score over 10 centuries at Melbourne Premier Cricket level and not play state cricket. Matthew spoke to the 50 strong crowd for 45 minutes about the characters he has played against, a few funny stories from his days as a player/administrator and the benefits of playing sport.

The day also celebrated the 10 year reunion of the 4th XI premiership of 2003/04. Shaun Jeffrey, Andrew Vandebyl, Peter Sutherland and Mick O’Keane all spoke. Of particular mention was the innings of 68 and 101 by a young Sam McVitty.

Greg Rieniets spoke on behalf of the 20 year reunion team of the 5th XI. Amongst other things, Greg expressed how much he enjoyed the victory, particularly against Brown Hill. Max Diamond finished things off on a light note recalling the trip to the City Oval Hotel during the Monday celebrations in the back of a pick-up truck.

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